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Geochemical Exploration & Production Sampling Services
Geothermal Reservoir Tracer Test Services
Two-Phase Downhole Sampler PTS
Combination - Memory SRO - PTS Logging Tool

Steam Quality & Purity Instruments
Steam Quality and Purity Testing & Control Experience
Advanced On-line Steam Purity Analyzer

The Thermochem team has authored or co-authored over 45 papers for various energy and resource-related publications, many of which can be found in the Geothermal Resource Council's Library. We welcome you to connect with us if you seek for more information on any of the below-listed papers and encourage you to visit the GRC Library among other databases for direct access.
Gallup, D. L., von Hirtz, P. Laboratory and field evaluations of new silica inhibitors and dispersants in geothermal systems. CRC Handbook of Industrial Water Treatment. Chapter 9, 155-177. CRC Press, London (2010).
von Hirtz, P. and Gallup, D.L. Silica Scale Control in Geothermal Bottoming Cycle Plants by pH-modification and Thermal Quenching, proceedings, 6th Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition (2018).
Easley, E., Sadji, N., Utami, W.; Geothermal Well Testing Using a New Atmospheric Separator and Metering System in Sarulla, proceedings, 6th Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition (2018).
von Hirtz, P. N., Easley, E., and Kunzman, R. J., and Gallup, D. L.; New Techniques for Acid Brine Corrosion Control in Geothermal Wells, proceedings, 6th Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition (2018).
von Hirtz, P. N., and Kunzman, R. J.; Advanced On-Line Steam Purity Analyzer for Geothermal Power Plants, Geothermal Resources Council TRANSACTIONS, Vol. 43 (2019).
“Development of a Safer and More Efficient Method for Abatement of H2S during Geothermal Well Drilling.” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 13, pp. 403 – 407, 1989. Hirtz, P., MacPhee, T.
“A Fluid Flow Model of the Coso Geothermal System: Data from Production Fluid and Fluid Inclusions,” Proceedings: Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford Geothermal Program, Stanford University, vol. 14 pp. 139 - 144, 1989. Moore, J., Adams, M., Bishop, B., and Hirtz, P.
“Operational Results of a Dry-Steam Resource Chloride Corrosion Mitigation System,” Geothermal Resource Council Transactions, vol. 14 Part II, pp. 1667 - 1675, 1990. Hirtz, P., Miller, J., and Prabhu, E.
“Scale Inhibitor Testing at East Mesa.” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 14 Part II, pp. 1627 – 1635, 1990. Osborne, W., Hirtz, P., and Haizlip, J.
“Preliminary Assessment of Halogenated Alkanes as Vapor-Phase Tracers,” Proceedings Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford Geothermal Program, Stanford University, vol. 16, pp. 57-62, 1991. Adams, M., Moore, J., and Hirtz., P.
“Current Techniques in Acid-Chloride Corrosion Control and Monitoring at The Geysers,” Proceedings Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford Geothermal Program, Stanford University, vol. 16, pp. 83 – 95, 1991. Hirtz, P., Buck, C, and Kunzman, R.
“The Application of Halogenated Alkanes as Vapor-Phase Tracers: A Field Test in the Southeast Geysers,” Geothermal Resource Council Transactions, vol. 15., pp. 457 – 463, 1991. Adams, M., Beall, J., Enedy, S., and Hirtz, P.
“Measuring Steam Impurities in a Geothermal Pipe Line System Using Real Time Instrumentation,” Geothermal Resource Council Transactions, vol. 17, pp. 399 – 406, 1993. Stockman, E., McLean, D., Mathur, R., Jonas, O., and Hirtz, P.
“Enthalpy and Mass Flowrate Measurements for Two-Phase Geothermal Production by Tracer Dilution Techniques,” Proceedings Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford Geothermal Program, Stanford University, vol. 18, pp. 17-27, 1993. Hirtz, P., Lovekin, J, Copp, J, Buck, C, and Adams, M.
“R-13 Tracing of Injection in the Geysers.” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 18, pp. 151- 159, 1994. Beall, J., Adams, M., Hirtz, P.
“Noncondensible Gas Trends and Emissions at Dixie, Valley, Nevada.” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 18, pp. 113 – 119, 1994. Beniot, D., Hirtz, P.
“Tracer Dilution Measurements for Two-Phase Geothermal Production: Comparative Testing and Operating Experience,” Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Florence, Italy, pp. 1881 – 1886, 1995. Hirtz, P. and Lovekin, J.
“Panel Discussion: Lessons Learned at The Geysers and the Next Steps.” Proceedings of the Geothermal Program Review XIV, U.S. Department of Energy, pp. 197 – 214, 1996. Lippmann, M., Barker, B., Goyal, K., Hirtz, P., Williams, C., Hulen, J.
“Two-phase Flow Measurement by Chemical Tracer Technique for Uenotai Geothermal Field in Japan.” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 20., pp. 845 – 850, 1996. Sato, T., Osato, K., Hirtz, P., Kunzman, R., Futagoishi, M.
“Subsurface Steam Sampling in Geysers Wells.” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 21, pp. 629 – 633, 1997. Lysne, P., Koenig, B., Hirtz, P., Normann, Randy, Henfling, J.
“Field-Wide Application of Chemical Tracers for Mass Flow Measurements in Philippine Geothermal Fields,” Proceedings Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford Geothermal Program, Stanford University, vol. 23, pp. 77 – 82, 1998. Macambac, R., Salazar, A., Villa, R., Alcober, E., Magdadaro, M., Hirtz, P., and Kunzman, R.
“Evaluation of R134A as an Injection Water Tracer in The Southeast Geysers.” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 22, pp. 569 – 573, 1998. Beall, J., Adams, M., Hirtz, P.
“Tracing Effluent Injection into the SE Geysers – A Progress Report.” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 23, pp. 341 – 345, 1999. Adams, M., Beall, J., Hirtz, P., Koenig, B., Smith, J.
“Hydrofluorocarbons as geothermal vapor-phase tracers.” Geothermics, vol. 30, pp. 747 – 775, 2001. Adams, M., Beall, J., Enedy, S., Hirtz, P., Kilbourn, P., Kunzman, R., Smith, J.
“A Review of Exploration Gas Geothermometry,” Proceedings Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, vol. 25, pp. 206 – 214, 2000. Powell, T.
“Developments in Tracer Flow Testing for Geothermal Production Engineering,” Geothermics, vol. 30, pp. 727–745, 2001. Hirtz, P., Kunzman, R., Broaddus, M., and Barbitta, J.
“Dry Steam Scrubbing for Impurity Removal from Superheated Geothermal Steam,” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 26, pp. 751 - 754, 2002. Hirtz, P., Broaddus, M., and Gallup, D.
“Development of a High Temperature Borehole Fluid Sampler and its field experiment in the Ogiri Geothermal Field, Japan,” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 26, pp. 357 – 360, 2002. Sato, M., Okabe, T., Nakata, H., Sleet, P., Twose, C., Hirtz, P., Kasagi, T., Goko, K., and Kondo, T.
“High Temperature Field Testing of Polyphenylenesulphide Composite Coatings.” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 28, pp. 567 – 572, 2004. Sugama, T., Hirtz, P., Gawlik, K.
“Field Testing and Analysis of Polyphenylenesulphide (PPS) Composite Coatings Exposed to High Temperature, pH-Modified Brine.” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 29, pp. 741 – 746, 2005. Gawlik, K., Sugama, T., Hirtz, P.
“Results of the First Application of Perfluorocarbons and Alcohols in a Multi-Well Vapor and Two-Phase Tracer Test at the Darajat Geothermal Field, Indonesia, and Implications for Injection Management.” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 33, pp. 871 – 878, 2009. Sugandi, A., Hirtz, P., Mahagyo, P., Nordquist, G., Martiady, K., Roberts, J., Kunzman, R., and Adams, M.
“Advancements in Tracer Flow Testing: Development of Real-Time Technology for Flow and Enthalpy Measurements,” Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Bali, Indonesia, 2010. Broaddus, M., Katz, I., Hirtz, P., and Kunzman, R.
“First Multi-Well Vapor and Two-Phase Tracer Test in a Geothermal Reservoir, Using Perfluorocarbons and Alcohols,” Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Bali, Indonesia, 2010. Hirtz, P., Kunzman, R., Adams, M., Roberts, J., Sugandhi, A., Martiady, K., Mahagyo, P., and Iman, A.
“Analysis and Interpretation of NDS Tracer Test Results at the Olkaria West Geothermal Field, Kenya.” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 34, pp. 1173 – 1178, 2010. Porras, E. Mabwa, E., Spielman, P., Bjornsson, G., Hirtz, P., Broaddus, M.
“Effect of mercury on corrosion in production wells in the Gulf of Thailand,” Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology, vol. 46, pp. 547-553, 2011. Pojtanabuntoeng T., Saiwan, C., Sutthiruangwong, S., and Gallup, D.
“Solubility of HgCl2 and HgO in liquid hydrocarbons and derived Henry’s Law constants as a function of temperature (-65°C to +65°C),” 10th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, extended abstract, 2011. Bloom, N., Gallup, D.
“pH Modification Scale Control Technology” International Workshop on Mineral Scaling in Geothermal Environment, pp. 39 - 46, 2011. Gallup, D.
“Brine pH Modification Scale Control Technology. 2. A Review,” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 35, pp. 609-614, 2011. Gallup, D.
“Reaction investigation of metal salts with tetrakis (hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulfate and chloride,” Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, vol. 43, pp. 1274-1278, 2013. Gallup, D., Yean, S., and Mogaddedi, H.
“Chemistry of metal silicate deposits from geothermal and petroleum produced waters,” Mineral Scales in Biological and Industrial Systems, Ed. Amjad, Z., Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Chap. 11, 2013. Gallup, D.L.
“Fluid, gas, and isotopic variation of thermal springs in the Southern Rocky Mountains: Colorado,” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 37, pp. 385 – 391, 2013. Easley, E. and Morgan, P.
“Removal of mercury from water in the petroleum industry,” Proceedings 21st International Petroleum Environmental Conference, 2014. Gallup, D.
“Advances in oil-in-water monitoring technology,” Analytical Methods in Petroleum Upstream Applications, Ed. Ovalles C., Rechsteiner Jr., C. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Chapter 3, 2014. Gallup, D.
“Mercury management in the petroleum industry,” International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC 2014) Kuala Lumpur, vol. 1, pp. 367-380, 2014. Gallup, D.
“Preliminary Results of Deep Geothermal Drilling and Testing on the Island of Montserrat.” Proceedings: Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford Geothermal Program, Stanford Univeristy, vol. 39, 2014. Brophy, P., Poux, B., Suemnicht, G., Hirtz, P.
“Control of silica-based scales in geothermal and cooling systems,” Mineral Scales and Deposits: Scientific and Technological Approaches, Ed. Amjad Z., Demadis K., New York: Elsevier, Chapter 26, 2015. Gallup, D., von Hirtz, P.
“A Brief History of the Sarulla Geothermal Field Development,” GRC Bulletin, March-April 2015. Ganefianto, N., von Hirtz, P., and Easley, E.
“Compatibility Testing of Salton Sea Geothermal Brines,” Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 2015. Featherstone, J., Gallup, D., Harrison, S., Jenkins, D., and von Hirtz, P.
“Brine Silica Management at Mighty River Power, New Zealand,” Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 2015. Addison, S., Brown, K., von Hirtz, P., Gallup, D., Winnick, J., Siega, F., and Gresham, T.
“Silica Scale Control in Geothermal Plants Historical Perspective and Current Technology,” Geothermal Power Generation: Developments and Innovation, Ed. DiPippo, R., Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy, Chapter 16, pp. 443 – 475, 2016. von Hirtz, P.
“The Behavior of Mercury in Water, Alcohols, monoethylene glycol and triethyelene glycol,” Fuel, vol. 196, pp. 178-184, 2017. Gallup, D., O’Rear, D., and Radford, R.